Lifestyles have changed drastically since the economic collapse. Once thriving households are now single-parent income, not double-parent income (some have no working parents). Vacation plans have been scrapped because rent can't be paid. Nights out on the town have been replaced with meager dinners at home. Many areas of individuals lives are made to suffer because of a lack of sufficient income.
Thankfully, unemployment benefits became a reality for many, offering a cushion during the trying months of unemployment. Families were able to depend on the weekly benefits to make it through. Rent was able to be paid, Metrocards were purchased so job-readiness training could ensue, tithe was returned, and other activities could happen. Such was the case for a while. At some point, though, the money to fund unemployment benefits ran out. Lights out, the show's over.
Temporary extensions did materialize, but they were not to last. For whatever series of complex political and economic reasons, the decision to reinstate and/or continue unemployment benefits for the millions of unemployed could not be made. That, coupled with the lack of sufficient jobs for workers, created a devastating situation for the American people, New Yorkers in particular.
Next week, Congress will be taking a week-long break. If the house and Senate cannot come to a positive decision before then, another week of missed benefits will be the reality for the unemployed whose benefits have been terminated. Another week with no money means it will be harder to eat. It will be harder to make ends meet. It will be harder to sleep at night, too.
Why should you care? Laughably, for many reasons. One reason is that you may be next! There is no such thing as job security anymore. Even "good" jobs, like working for the city or state, are not guarnteed anymore. Another reason is that we are our brother's keeper. We have a moral obligation to assist them when they fall upon hardships like these.
So, what can we do? Why not turn to the most effective strategy available to us, as Christians? Let's pray and depend on God. Let's all join together and ask the God of heaven to work the situation out on behalf of the unemployed. For five days straight—July 5th through July 9th—let's pray once per day to God, asking Him to:
- Restore unemployment benefits to those who are without until they find work
- Open up a job for the unemployed so that they can resume a normal American way of life
- Heal the nation's economy so that fear and lack of faith doesn't drive many to despair
- Allow the unemployed to see God's Hand of Mercy throughout this ordeal
God bless you, as you bless others.
Elder Scott Hampton